Sunday, August 17, 2014

Aug. 10-17. First Week Home

It is pleasant and relaxing to finally be home in Michigan after four weeks in Sri Lanka. It is also strange to be home. It is not as easy of a transition as I thought it would be. Home is not different. I am different.

I became home sick very fast, while I was away from family, friend, and the best cat in the whole world (lol. My tiny homage to a character). But there were many more weeks to go and I had many more experiences and bugs waiting for me.

I struggled with a lot but luckily I had my compainion to help me through each day of the trip.

Being home is easy and safe,but it feels a little odd. I miss the crazy adventure. I miss teaching. I miss the purpose. I miss the intensity of each day. I miss much more than I thought I would. 

All of that aside, I am very happy to be with my familiy, friend, and the best cat in the whole world. 

My first adventure has enlightened me to many things. I feel open. Like opening my arms to embrace the world, to embrace something much bigger than myself.
Not quite flying yet, but gettting there. Hopefully.

Readers, you may wonder why I continue to write about my adventure. Well, I continue because my experiences will affect my stories. I am very happy about that fact. 

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