Friday, February 7, 2020

February 7, 2020

Hello Beautiful Readers!

It has been quite a while since I've posted or had any time to work on my projects.  There have been a few changes in my life that kept me busier than I expected and way off schedule. Ok, so I havent kept to any type of schedule really, although 2017/2018ish I kept up with Weekly Wednesday W-Updates. AND that only happened becuase I committed to one day off a week to volunteer at a school as a reading buddy. That was a fun experience and it was a great way for me to commit time to the website. Ah...the good old days. 

Recently there have been many changes like new job, new opportunities, and then once again, new job. Everything has been amazing and a bit exhausting. Well, sometimes, overwhelmingly exhausting. I also had a neverending cold for a month.

During the time that I simply had no time to write or draw, I had plenty of ideas. On the cusp of this new beginning, I have started to write and draw. Hopefully, I should be less exhausted in the future.

I have so many ideas and at least 3 project that have been in-progress for the last two years.
I am ready to finish my works. I am ready to commit some time to this website, I am ready for the changes to come.
