Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Update: 1-10-18: New Prices

Please enjoy the new LIMITED time prices for the print version of The Incredible Boy, American Princess, and Be Normal. All ebook versions are $0.99.

Incredible Boy: $9.25
American Princess: $9.00
Be Normal: $10.00


update: 2-14-18

Heh, I think these reduced prices will stick around for a bit longer.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy New Year! January 2018

It's 2018! Happy new year, All!
Last year flew by quickly and I am sad to say that did very little writing.
2017 was an exciting and very busy year for me with work, reading, planning my wedding, and honeymoons galore.

I am settling in, still working, and a volunteer Reading Buddy for first graders.

Hopefully, this year, I'll have more time to not just read books, but work on my own stories and illustrations.