Friday, December 31, 2021

Bye Bye 2021, Hello 2022


Hello! Hello! Hello Beautiful Readers!

2021 is coming to a close, and this website has suffered from a lack of attention all year. Sorry. I started a new program at work in the fall, and I am teaching 1st grade. There have been many super exciting and tough changes this year. Some personal and some professional.  

I am slowly retiring my old beloved 11" touchscreen hp laptop (*tear*) and my super old photoshop elements 2. In September, I received the ginormous Microsoft Surface Studio for my birthday and only just purchased a new art program.

I am learning to use new art programs on my PC and iPad. So far, I have only created a couple drawings with Procreate on my iPad. I posted one piece to my Instagram. Yeah, that's a new thing! No much going on right now, but one can find me at bns.creative.

my new pc
In 2022, I hope to put out a new book and convert some of my existing books into hardcovers and audiobooks.

 I am excited for the new year and everything I will learn and create!